Rock Bottom, Issue #19, April-July 2003

I toured with these guys through Europe in 1996 and they were great back then, although this is a slightly different line-up. This album blew me away. Only one word comes to mind when I popped this into my CD player for the first time: BRILLIANT, absolutely brilliant!!! The production is crystal clear, musicianship and songwriting is top notch. I don't think I could find anything wrong with it if I tried. This is heavy, dynamic, progressive. If you thought that Queensr˙che's "Operation Mindcrime" was good, then you have to, need to, get this CD! I think this is far superior. If you like great music, get this as soon as you can. I would love to see these guys tour over here, I think they would go over amazingly. This one will find its place in my CD collection.

Chuck Fitzgerald